Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Maitreya, Tara, and Benjamin Creme

The text in this collage (see below) reads as follows: What we call "God" does not put you in hell. You created your own hell. "God" is trying to get you out of hell.

The three images of the Bodhisattva Maitreya come from Gandhara (Pakistan), Japan, and Afghanistan. The three images of the Bodhisattva Tara (lower row) come from Gandhara, Afghanistan, and Mongolia. Maitreya and Tara are constant companions in a mutual effort to enlighten mankind. In the New Age terminology they would be called Twin Flames.

Benjamin Creme said many things about Maitreya that were not true, but it is true that the World Teacher descended from the Himalayas in 1977 and resided for a time in London. Recently, however, I became aware that he would not appear before the world as Mr. Creme prophesied.

On March 31, 2017, Maitreya went to Tara (in her current embodiment) and told her that he had left London and was returning to the Himalayan Mountains. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Yemen presented an insuperable obstacle to his appearance. From March 1 to 8 the US Air Force had conducted 45 airstrikes in Yemen, marking the first direct involvement of the US military in that war—a war that resulted, in any case, from misguided US policies. All told the American response to the Sept. 11, 2001 twin-tower incident—which claimed the lives of 2,996 people—has resulted in the deaths of  approximately 235,000 civilians in three wars and the devastation of cities across the Middle East. Faulty US policies are also responsible for the existence of ISIS.

The Masters of the Wisdom had hoped that instead of the nightmare of the three wars the United States and Europe would have advanced the cause of the Arab Spring, a peaceful movement within Muslim nations for the creation of democratic institutions. Now we have no Spring but the prolongation of a Winter of bad dreams.

The result of an unanticipated karma of intolerance, violence, and death is that the new age, the Age of Aquarius, will dawn upon a bleak, cold day for humanity. Maitreya entrusted the care of the world to the Bodhisattva Tara, and a month later gave her the temporary title of World Teacher. As though speaking to the world Tara said quietly, “I am not the great Teacher that you anticipated, but I am what you deserve, humanity.” 

Maitreya was Apollonius

There has been a tendency on the part of some esoteric writers---especially Theosophical authors---to belittle Jesus as a man and as a teacher. That does not surprise us completely, given Madam Blavatsky’s antagonism toward Christianity. But Christianity is one thing---the Son of Man another. Is it strange that a world that so misunderstood its Teacher that it executed him for political crimes should also create a dogmatic church in his name?

When we turn to Charles W. Leadbeater we find the strange doctrine of “overshadowing”. At one time I believed that this idea was the creation of Leadbeater’s imagination, but I do know of an instance in which it occurred. That does not mean that Maitreya actually overshadowed Jesus, as Leadbeater, and more recently, Benjamin Creme, claimed. For once we may trust the instincts of Christians. Instinctively they regard the proposition that Jesus was merely a medium or a mouthpiece for another man as absurd and probably the “work of the devil”. I will put aside for now the idea that Satan or a “Dark Master” influenced Leadbeater. It is true that the man made mistakes and has a bad reputation, but we need not seek a supernatural cause for his doctrine. He simply wished to exalt a Buddhist teacher over the Christian one. If Maitreya could claim as his own the supernal teachings of the Aramaic Master his superiority would be beyond doubt. It was predictable that the picture of the “Master Jesus” that Theosophy gives us makes him look boyish, almost feminine, and excessively sensitive. This picture bears no resemblance to the image on the Shroud of Turin, which would still be truthful as art even if---which is certainly possible---it was produced in the Middle Ages.

Esoteric authors have employed still another strategy in an attempt to belittle Jesus. The claim has been made that he never lived, and that if there is anything truthful in the gospels it is derived from the life of Apollonius of Tyana. I have my own theories about Apollonius. I believe that he was the Bodhisattva Maitreya and that he was the reincarnation of Simon of Alexandria. Simon was the biological father of Jesus. He was the highest initiate of a mystery school in Alexandria, Egypt; because he was psychic he was able to locate the woman he was meant to marry in her obscure home in Nazareth. For some unknown reason Mary was born in a small town in Galilee and not in the city of Jerusalem, as was planned. According to the original plan the parents of the World Teacher of the Age of Pisces were supposed to meet in Alexandria and marry and have a son who would benefit from the teachings of the mystery school. 

Simon journeyed to Nazareth and Mary became pregnant in a pre-marital love affair---but only after she had already been betrothed to the village carpenter. Mary asked Simon if she could accompany him to Alexandria in order to marry him, but he knew that he would be murdered on his way back home and advised her to remain with Joseph. He died in 7 BCE, nine months before Jesus was born. Apollonius was born in 15 CE, twenty-two years later. In 6 CE, when Jesus was thirteen years old, he left Palestine and journeyed to India where he met Maitreya on the spiritual plane. He remained in India until 24 CE, when he was thirty years old. It was an obvious likelihood that father and son, master and disciple, would have similar teachings, and that the two men could be confused with each other.

I will end with a quotation from Apollonius: “As soldiers need not only courage but tactics also, so does a philosopher need not only courage and philosophy but discernment also, to tell what his right time of dying is---so that he will neither seek it nor flee it.” This thought is certainly apropos to the death of Simon and the death of Jesus.

Below: Theosophical authors prefer this picture of Jesus to all others, calling him the "Master Jesus". This is probably the sensitive kind of person who could be overshadowed.  Contrast this innocent face with the one on the Shroud of Turin.

Several of Maitreya's Incarnations

Recently Maitreya, who for centuries had been a Bodhisattva, came to us as a Buddha. A Bodhisattva is an arhat or Buddhist saint who vows to postpone Nirvana in order to work for the enlightenment of all sentient beings. Accordingly we should not be surprised to learn that the Bodhisattva Maitreya incarnated on this earth many times in the past as a religious leader. Now as a Buddha he will return to his work with a slightly different consciousness, as the World Teacher, but he will still postpone the Paranirvana that would take him away from material existence into a state that is ineffable. In this regard he is like the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, whose spiritual stature as a Buddha allowed him to return to his work among men with renewed insight.

Theosophical writers beginning with Charles W. Leadbeater have claimed that Maitreya was Krishna. I myself asked Maitreya about this and he confirmed the truth of this statement.

The following is a short list of a few of Maitreya's most important incarnations since the time of Krishna: Zarathustra, Simon of Alexandria, Muhammad, and Guru Nanak. After his lifetime as Nanak he became an Ascended Master.

The name Simon of Alexandria needs an explanation. He was the highest initiate of an esoteric school in Alexandria in 8 BCE. He was the intended husband of Mary but because of interference by evil forces she was born in a village in Galilee in complete obscurity. When Simon discovered her location he journeyed to Nazareth. Mary became pregnant with her first child in a premarital love affair with Simon, who taught her the esoteric truths or mysteries that he knew as an initiate. She wanted to go with Simon to Alexandria to marry him, but he knew that he would be killed on the return journey and advised her to return to Joseph, to whom she was betrothed. Mary taught the mysteries to her son. He journeyed to India after his bar mitzvah and met Maitreya on the “inner plane”. Maitreya became his teacher and inspired him but did not overshadow him as Charles Leadbeater and Benjamin Creme claimed. The words of Jesus in the gospels are authentically his own and he was not a medium or channel. In this regard Elizabeth Clare Prophet was correct.

It is interesting but also tragic that Muslims have persecuted Zoroastrians and Sikhs when the teacher of the three religions involved was the same man in different lifetimes.

Below: In this photograph of his appearance in Nairobi Maitreya resembles the Prophet Muhammad almost exactly.

A Brief Message from Maitreya

“We shall rely upon ordinary people far more than we had originally planned. The work of many teachers has uplifted the people as a whole and has taught significant numbers how to meditate and how to align themselves with their inner divinity. I may cite Kriya Yoga and Transcendental Meditation in particular as having been helpful, but many other methods leading to the same end have been taught and practiced successfully.”

Below: Mt. Shasta, Maitreya's new home, with lenticular clouds---which should not be mistaken for a UFO.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Jesus Was Not Overshadowed

Benjamin Creme claimed that Maitreya, who is now both Buddha and Christ, overshadowed his disciple Jesus. I will state first of all that I do not believe this to be true, and secondly that I might be one of the few people alive today who can say exactly what it is like to be overshadowed. My teacher, the Bodhisattva Tara, overshadowed me for 13 months, from October, 2016, to November, 2017. During that time I was not conscious of myself and yet I remember everything that she did.

I have no hard evidence that Jesus was not overshadowed and my statement is a matter of faith and instinct. The idea that Jesus was overshadowed is actually very strange; it belongs to the world of spiritism instead of spirituality. The symbolism involved in overshadowing is itself rather odd. It is true that in the psalms God provides a protective shadow to those who live in the desert. But when He wishes to teach us the image is always one of illumination, as we might expect. Light is a universal symbol of insight, knowledge, and wisdom.

The doctrine that the Bodhisattva Maitreya overshadowed his disciple, the Master Jesus, was first proposed by Charles W. Leadbeater, a man given to many controversial statements. His attempt to train Jiddu Krishnamurti to be a “vehicle” for Maitreya resulted in the fragmentation of the Theosophical Society. The German section under Rudolf Steiner adopted an entirely new name, Anthroposophy, along with a message based squarely upon Jesus as the Christ. Leadbeater probably wanted to include Christianity among the religions that Theosophy championed without detracting from the preeminence that Tibetan Buddhism had in Madam Blavatsky's writings. In other words, Leadbeater desired to see a Theosophical Christianity and still call it Esoteric Buddhism, the name that A. P. Sinnett gave to Theosophy’s teachings.

I believe that Elizabeth Clare Prophet had the correct idea when she said that Jesus met Maitreya in India when he went there during his “lost years” between the ages of 13 and 30. According to her, Jesus accepted Maitreya as a teacher but the words of Christ in the gospels are those of the Aramaic master and not of his teacher using him as a medium.

Most people who write about Jesus' sojourn in India describe his encounter with Hindu teachers and yogis. Mrs. Prophet is correct when she tells us that he found a Buddhist teacher---for India was essentially a Buddhist land before the Islamic invasion. The skillfulness of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's treatment of history is worthy of attention.

Below: Recommended reading.

Where is Maitreya Now?

Maitreya always insisted that we take a step toward him in response to his step toward us. He spoke often of the karmic responsibilities of mankind if we wanted him to be our Teacher. According to Benjamin Creme he descended from the Himalayas in 1977. The karmic give and take that resulted in a slow, stately dance was broken 26 years later in 2003 when the United States invaded Iraq. Maitreya undoubtedly knew that his plans for a Day of Declaration would come to nothing, but he remained in London as long as he could, until March of 2017. He resided in that city for a total of 40 years---and of course we recognize the heavy symbolism of that number.

A total of 2,996 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks. In response the United States waged two wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan. 500,000 Iraqis have died and 111,000 Afghans have been killed as a consequence. Surely America's desire for revenge must have been satisfied---but in the first week of March, 2017, the U.S. Air Force conducted 45 airstrikes in Yemen against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. When the United States entered its third war in the Middle East Maitreya acknowledged his defeat, at least temporarily. On March 31 he visited the Bodhisattva Tara while she was overshadowing me. The Maha Chohan, Dhjwal Kul, Kuthumi, Morya, and (as a witness) the Master of the Dark Brotherhood came with him. He had stopped for a few moments in the midst of a journey back to the Himalayas. He told Tara that he would leave his affairs in her custody, for she had often been his assistant in the past. One month later he gave her the official title of World Teacher. Her activity, aside from blog articles, was mostly internal (on the spiritual plane)---but it proved to be so successful that Maitreya unexpectedly reappeared in August of 2017, this time in California. He has made Mt. Shasta the base of his operations because there are important disciples in California and he wishes to be near them. As of this time he is preparing a disciple to undertake some of the duties that would have fallen to Krishnamurti, had the young man continued in his role as the “vehicle” who would enable Maitreya to appear in public.

Maitreya has taken back his title of World Teacher, and the Day of Declaration might still take place, but the Masters of the Ageless Wisdom will assume their roles in society quietly and without public notice. The karmic blackness of the actions of the United States is such that the Masters have been forced to return to the methods of past centuries.

Below: Iraqi mother with dead children.