Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Maitreya, Tara, and Benjamin Creme

The text in this collage (see below) reads as follows: What we call "God" does not put you in hell. You created your own hell. "God" is trying to get you out of hell.

The three images of the Bodhisattva Maitreya come from Gandhara (Pakistan), Japan, and Afghanistan. The three images of the Bodhisattva Tara (lower row) come from Gandhara, Afghanistan, and Mongolia. Maitreya and Tara are constant companions in a mutual effort to enlighten mankind. In the New Age terminology they would be called Twin Flames.

Benjamin Creme said many things about Maitreya that were not true, but it is true that the World Teacher descended from the Himalayas in 1977 and resided for a time in London. Recently, however, I became aware that he would not appear before the world as Mr. Creme prophesied.

On March 31, 2017, Maitreya went to Tara (in her current embodiment) and told her that he had left London and was returning to the Himalayan Mountains. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Yemen presented an insuperable obstacle to his appearance. From March 1 to 8 the US Air Force had conducted 45 airstrikes in Yemen, marking the first direct involvement of the US military in that war—a war that resulted, in any case, from misguided US policies. All told the American response to the Sept. 11, 2001 twin-tower incident—which claimed the lives of 2,996 people—has resulted in the deaths of  approximately 235,000 civilians in three wars and the devastation of cities across the Middle East. Faulty US policies are also responsible for the existence of ISIS.

The Masters of the Wisdom had hoped that instead of the nightmare of the three wars the United States and Europe would have advanced the cause of the Arab Spring, a peaceful movement within Muslim nations for the creation of democratic institutions. Now we have no Spring but the prolongation of a Winter of bad dreams.

The result of an unanticipated karma of intolerance, violence, and death is that the new age, the Age of Aquarius, will dawn upon a bleak, cold day for humanity. Maitreya entrusted the care of the world to the Bodhisattva Tara, and a month later gave her the temporary title of World Teacher. As though speaking to the world Tara said quietly, “I am not the great Teacher that you anticipated, but I am what you deserve, humanity.”