Monday, October 15, 2018

Where is Maitreya Now?

Maitreya always insisted that we take a step toward him in response to his step toward us. He spoke often of the karmic responsibilities of mankind if we wanted him to be our Teacher. According to Benjamin Creme he descended from the Himalayas in 1977. The karmic give and take that resulted in a slow, stately dance was broken 26 years later in 2003 when the United States invaded Iraq. Maitreya undoubtedly knew that his plans for a Day of Declaration would come to nothing, but he remained in London as long as he could, until March of 2017. He resided in that city for a total of 40 years---and of course we recognize the heavy symbolism of that number.

A total of 2,996 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks. In response the United States waged two wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan. 500,000 Iraqis have died and 111,000 Afghans have been killed as a consequence. Surely America's desire for revenge must have been satisfied---but in the first week of March, 2017, the U.S. Air Force conducted 45 airstrikes in Yemen against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. When the United States entered its third war in the Middle East Maitreya acknowledged his defeat, at least temporarily. On March 31 he visited the Bodhisattva Tara while she was overshadowing me. The Maha Chohan, Dhjwal Kul, Kuthumi, Morya, and (as a witness) the Master of the Dark Brotherhood came with him. He had stopped for a few moments in the midst of a journey back to the Himalayas. He told Tara that he would leave his affairs in her custody, for she had often been his assistant in the past. One month later he gave her the official title of World Teacher. Her activity, aside from blog articles, was mostly internal (on the spiritual plane)---but it proved to be so successful that Maitreya unexpectedly reappeared in August of 2017, this time in California. He has made Mt. Shasta the base of his operations because there are important disciples in California and he wishes to be near them. As of this time he is preparing a disciple to undertake some of the duties that would have fallen to Krishnamurti, had the young man continued in his role as the “vehicle” who would enable Maitreya to appear in public.

Maitreya has taken back his title of World Teacher, and the Day of Declaration might still take place, but the Masters of the Ageless Wisdom will assume their roles in society quietly and without public notice. The karmic blackness of the actions of the United States is such that the Masters have been forced to return to the methods of past centuries.

Below: Iraqi mother with dead children.